Recording and Sharing Your Bagpipe Performances
To make the most out of Dojo U, you need to get comfortable recording yourself and sharing the results with our staff and community.
Quality recording of a set of bagpipes takes a bit of setup, but once you learn the ropes, you will have a life-long tool in your toolbox for sharing your music with the world!
The quick story of bagpipe recording:
- Smartphones are the quickest, easiest way to record audio or video of your bagpiping BUT the microphones on smartphones are not designed for the loud, rich sound of the instrument.
- So, you're going to need some gear.
- If you have an iPhone or iPad, get one of these. It will allow you to make great audio and video with very little fuss! And, they're not expensive in the grand scheme of things.
- If you don't have an iPhone, Google quality microphones that will plug into your device.
- If you are serious about your piping and want to take your recording game to the next level, buy a standalone audio/video field recorder like this.
- Once you can record audio/video to your smartphone, figure out a way to generate a "cloud link" that points to your file. More on this here: How to Share Misc Recordings of Yourself at the Dojo.
The Detailed Version
For a complete lesson on bagpipe recording techniques, premium members can take our "Defeat Performance Anxiety with Digital Recording" course.