Musical Experience

Pipe Band Membership

no band yet

Solo Competition Level

I haven't played solos

Band Playing Level

I haven't played in a band



I served in the United States Navy on a guided missile cruiser

Recently retired from Yale University after working for 39 years in their power plant.

Back in the late ‘90s I was a member of the Gaelic Highland Pipe Band.  While taking bagpipe  lessons I filled in as a tenor drummer.  I continued private lessons for a year , after leaving the band due to work hours and family time with my wife and two wonderful sons.

My wife and I attend numerous Highland games in the northeast whenever our schedules permits.

I enjoy staying active with snow  skiing, ice skating, paddle boarding, tai - chi, yoga and walking.  And if that is not enough, I babysit for our 2 year old granddaughter and are expecting our second grandchild.

Playing the bagpipes, for my own enjoyment, has always been a dream of mine and on my bucket list.  I now have the necessary time to devote to this endeavor and would like to see it through.  Recently, I have started reviewing the music that I previously learned.




First Name


Last Name






Current Membership Level

Premium (Bagpipes)