

Hi, I’m Diana, my friends call me Di.
I’ve always wanted to play the Great Highland Bagpipes! I Love Scotland.  My heritage: English, Scottish & Swedish!  🤗

I’m a Kenpo Karate instructor & have been studying the art of Kenpo for 38 years.  I am a 4th° Black Belt.  I started taking lessons with my 2 sisters & my mom, in Garden Grove, Southern California.  My sister Pamela & I earned our Black Belts together, in May of 1991.  What an adventure!  I’ve been teaching for 33 years.  I moved to Utah & converted my garage into a karate dojo 8 years ago.  I teach all ages. I love it!  It is & has been one of my passions.

From the time I was very young, music has always been a big part of my life. I love all types of music. Most of my musical experience has been through singing, which is another passion of mine. However, when I hear the bagpipes, it speaks to my soul. There’s no other sound quite so intoxicating & enveloping. It is absolutely majestic! I’m so excited to learn the bagpipes, & to be part of this wonderful family at the Dojo University.  So I guess I’m starting over at the “White Belt” level again… Ha ha ha!


First Name


Last Name






Current Membership Level

Premium (Bagpipes)

Musical Experience

Pipe Band Membership

No band, YET!

Solo Competition Level

I haven't played solos

Band Playing Level

I haven't played in a band