
First Name


Last Name






Current Membership Level

Premium (Bagpipes)

Musical Experience

Pipe Band Membership

No band, YET!

Solo Competition Level

I haven't played solos

Band Playing Level

I haven't played in a band



Hi, I’m Diana, my friends call me Di.
I’ve always wanted to play the Great Highland Bagpipes! I Love Scotland.  My heritage: English, Scottish & Swedish!  🤗

I’m a Kenpo Karate instructor & have been studying the art of Kenpo for 38 years.  I am a 4th° Black Belt.  I started taking lessons with my 2 sisters & my mom, in Garden Grove, Southern California.  My sister Pamela & I earned our Black Belts together, in May of 1991.  What an adventure!  I’ve been teaching for 33 years.  I moved to Utah & converted my garage into a karate dojo 8 years ago.  I teach all ages. I love it!  It is & has been one of my passions.

From the time I was very young, music has always been a big part of my life. I love all types of music. Most of my musical experience has been through singing, which is another passion of mine. However, when I hear the bagpipes, it speaks to my soul. There’s no other sound quite so intoxicating & enveloping. It is absolutely majestic! I’m so excited to learn the bagpipes, & to be part of this wonderful family at the Dojo University.  So I guess I’m starting over at the “White Belt” level again… Ha ha ha!