Musical Experience

Pipe Band Membership

US Coast Guard Pipe Band

Solo Competition Level

Grade 4

Band Playing Level

Grade 5 Competing Band



Robert Miller (Bob) was a member of the Civil War Reenactment Association as a young teenager.  While waiting to perform a reenactment in Pennsylvania in the mid 60’s, a Scottish Pipe band marching in the pre-performance parade drew his complete attention.  From the first moment Bob heard the pipes, he knew he wanted to learn how to play them but he had no idea where to find an instructor back in Alabama where he lived. Finally, 20 years later, his goal was realized when the Shrine Temple that Bob attended formed a pipe and drum band in Birmingham, Alabama and Bob was one of the first to join. 

 After playing in the Shrine Band for several years, Bob was transferred to start up construction at Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant in Augusta, Georgia. The intense 7 day work week did not allow bagpipe time and with no known pipers in the area, Bob laid down the pipes.  During the mid 1990’s while working with the Boy Scouts of America adult leaders in Augusta, Bob mentioned that he had played the bagpipes in the past.  Several of the volunteer leaders and the paid professional BSA Scout decided to learn how to play the pipes. With a lot of outside help and good supporting leadership, Bob and the BSA leader started a Bagpipe Exploring Post in the Augusta Carolina Council.  Later the BSA Exploring Post became The Augusta Highlanders Pipe and Drum Band which is still in existence today.

 Bob is still playing the 1976 Granger and Campbell set of pipes he purchased with the Shrine band.  He has played with the Palmetto Pipes and Drums Band and John Mohr Mackintosh Pipes and Drums. He is currently playing with The Atlanta Pipes and Drums Band and the United States Coast Guard Pipe Band. Bob has attended the College of Pipes Summer School several times and also the National Piping Center School.  He has competed in pipe bands and as a solo piper.  Through the expert piping lessons and guidance provided by instructor Winter Taylor, he has become a strong piper in the bands he is involved with and he has won metals and placed at several Scottish Games in solo competitions.

 He plans to continue piping until his fingers will no longer move.


First Name


Last Name






Current Membership Level

Premium (Bagpipes)