Kirk Jones: You're Never Too Old

I have always wanted to pipe but 43 years in the military, having kids, grandkids and life in general held me back. At the age of 65 I have now I decided to pursue my dreams! My mother was born in Scotland and I grew up listening to bagpipe music. I really wanted to be able to play and perhaps join my sister who has been a drum major for over 40 years and perhaps perform together some day!

I was on a Facebook page for piping (old geezers learning to play bagpipes) and quite a few folks mentioned DOJO U as a great resource. I asked around to a few others as well and they all recommended DOJO U!

I always thought I was too old but after talking to other folks and asking questions of the DOJO U staff I believe I can learn to play. I still struggle to accurately and quickly read music but the good folks in this program are so supportive!

I have thoroughly enjoyed myself so far, the instructors are all supportive and helpful. The other students in the beginner classes are also very supportive and friendly. As a brand new beginner, it has certainly helped me with the fear of trying to learn to read music. I am not not afraid of making mistakes because the instructors and other students all celebrate your successes. Overall it is the kind of environment that I believe can help anyone grow.

As an aside, the live classes have folks from New Zealand, Australia, USA, and across Canada and range in age from 11 to... well I'm not too sure but I'm 65! Every class is not only fun but informative as others are doing their bit and you come to realize we are all there to try to learn. It's both humbling and inspirational!

Kirk J from Victoria BC, Canada

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